Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Barry Curtis Skate Park.


That url is an article about the park it gives a more accurate timeline for the whole thing.
For some reason blogger doesn't like me and doesn't want to make that into a link so just copy and paste it and you'll be sweet.

"When I grow up"

These kids came in talking about when they grow up they want to be like Antwuan Dixon.
They're nice kids.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Patches got switch fs tails!

Pretty good pretty good.

So we finally have a cabinet and heaps of hardware its pretty mean

New boards!

Full set ups for $199
Plan B wheels
Silver trucks (with the hubcaps)
FKD abec 7',
CS deck.
thats like saving over $100.
sooo crazy.
we only have three so be in quick as.

So we got these boards in they are pretty sick.
they go from 7.5 all the way to 8 and a quarter
this shit is tight.

Oh shit they are building this IGL_100122_2716_SK8PARK-@-BC-PARK.jpg
just down the road from us, its going to be fully sick, other than all that weird arty shit.
but seriously this shit has a cradle! that's amazing!

do some shit like this.
I don't even know who this is.
the dude filming plays rugby.

song for the day

by the way come skate after 6 on most sunny days.
or skate heaps without me on all days.
even if it rains.
sonsk8 sucks.
Rancid and DK are keeping me going.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Anna and Micah are crack up

Taking stickers off windows is no fun.
but we're crack up and made it heaps fun.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010